First Name: Zelma Freedline
Last Name:
Nickname: Zelma5-
Display Name: Zelma Freedline
Registered Date: 2021-01-10 03:18:18
Forum Role: Participant
Topics Started: 11
Replies Created: 29
Can a bearded dragon eat these? They are all through my yard and it keeps going to them.
I was wondering if a bearded dragon can eat these little yellow flowers. They are growing in my yard.
Hi all The heat bulb I have now for my bearded dragon seems like it isn’t giving off much heat. I have a few of these bulbs just laying inside a fish tank stand collecting dust. Will these…
What type of bug is this? And is it safe for a bearded dragon? It looks like a giant beetle to me. Thanks
I’m confused. A lot of people on this forum say Collard Greens are good for bearded dragons, but in an email I’ve received from thecrittrrdepot has it on a list of bad foods. Which is…
My bearded dragon is about 10 months old. Will this cage be a good cage to last him the rest of his life? It measures 48x24x24. I am tired of having to keep buying different cages for him.…
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