Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Can a Bearded Dragon eat these?

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    • #57577

      Zelma Freedline
      Can a Bearded Dragon eat these?

      Can a bearded dragon eat these? They are all through my yard and it keeps going to them.

    • #57594


      I honestly wouldn’t let them eat anything that I was unsure about. I do pick dandelions & their leaves for my guys but I make sure I know 100% it’s never been sprayed with any pesticides or bug killer & then I’m OCD about washing them lol ❤️

    • #57611


      I am unable to identify this plant. So until you know what it is, I’m with Cecil, just direct his attention toward other goodies.

      • #57775

        Zelma Freedline

        It does eat dandelions but for some reason it keeps running to these.

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