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They’re creepy. They’re crawly. And they’re beautiful. Tarantulas come in a variety of colors and sizes. But some are more difficult to care for than others. Here’s our…
This is Moonlight my pet Southern House Spider. Her favorite meal is fat crickets.
This is Mrs. Pete my adorable Woodhouse Toad peaking out of her little hut!!
gunna is territorial towards the rest of my lizzards but she likes smiley the water dragon there very active at times fun to watch them play with each other they eat the same food but its…
They love each other the best of friends they share food water and home my water dragon loves tv the beared dragon loves tv and music but most of all they love each other
Ember, I’ve had her since Dec 14th 2018. She is from petsmart but is healthy as can be….I’m a bit anal about her health 😆. She is just as important to me as my 2 legged children.
This is Jack, his favorite thing to do is sleeping the day away under a log and eat crickets
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