Topics Forums Everything Else Cricket Contest – June 2022 Winner!

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    • #58749

      Edward Jimenez
      Cricket Contest – June 2022 Winner!

      Caught him while he’s hunting for crickets!

    • #58773


      He’s gorgeous! What morph is he?

      • #58945

        Edward Jimenez

        He is a stinger!

        • #58964


          That means his tail area markings has an arrow/stinger type shape, right? Sorry for jumping in, I just try to learn anything animal related whenever I can. Lol

        • #109529


          Nice clear picture. I love him!

    • #58788


      He is so adorable. This is a fat tailed gecko, right? I know a little about them and their care, but not a lot about their markings. Besides that they haven’t been bred for markings as much or as long as leopard geckos. I don’t think they have as many morphs, possibly a few different ones. Is this a type of markings they usually produce, or a different morph?

      • #58946

        Edward Jimenez

        Yes, he’s a fat tailed. Yea, he has pretty normal markings. We liked him because of the personality. He likes to get pets and will archer he’s back for them. Very friendly the only pain is he really only likes crickets and silkworms. I’ve tried so many other feeders and he doesn’t like them.

        • #58963


          Cool. I get that though. We have a Leo and he’s just a high yellow, we chose him from a bunch of albinos, etc but he was just so interested in us and being handled, we chose him. Our favorites always seem to be the most picky lol. Can you maybe trick him with wax worms? I’m sure he’d know the difference but sometimes if you hold off food for a little extra time, they’ll eat whatever you give them. And end up being less picky. He’s so cute though. Almost got one instead of Leo but couldn’t find one in person where I am.

        • #59012


          Are fat-tailed geckos harder to come by than Leos? It sounds like they have to be shipped to you in many parts of the country. Is that true?

        • #59035


          I don’t know about other parts of the world, but I’m in Ohio and couldn’t find one in any of the pet shops near me. I could order one online just fine, but I really don’t like doing that. I’ve done it once with an anole and house gecko for mates for my current ones, the anole came dead. So I never order pets online now.

    • #61523


      Congratulations, Edward! Your beautiful leo is this month’s winner for a year supply of free feeder insects! Be on the lookout for an email that contains your coupon code. Thanks for participating!

      • #61728

        Edward Jimenez

        It’s awesome to win! Thank you everyone!

        When should I see the code come in?

        Thank you!!

        • #61731


          Any day now, but do remind us if it doesn’t get to you in the next 7 days.

        • #61732


          Pro tips: it will come any time between now and a week. Keep checking the email attached to this account.

          Coupon allows you to get 12 orders, use as often as you’d like until, all 12 orders are used. Coupon last one year, I believe. Also, the coupon will get you 500 insects, BUT if you spend $2 more in cash, you can get 1000 insects. That’s what I do. Best deal that way. Hope this helps.

        • #61760


          That’s a very useful tip for the difficult times ahead.

        • #61770


          Well, it WAS a tip. Lol. Details have changed, so… Coupon is good for $23, instead of $25 like it used to be. And It used to be 500 superworms for $25, now it’s 500 for $28. So if you want those with Coupon, use code and pay $4.

          BSFL are 500 for $21 (best deal here is getting 1000 and pay the extra $3, that’s what I do because it lasts long enough for me). Crickets are 500 for $23 or 1000 for $25, best deal with these is getting the 1000 and paying $2. I don’t get them often though because they tend to die on me now for some reason and I dont mess with roaches either so I don’t know what their deals would be. Hope this helps anyone.

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