Topics Forums Chameleons What does this colour mean??

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    • #19437

      Duncan cowling
      What does this colour mean??

      Can anyone shed any light on what this colour action means?? I’ve read various things on various sites and I am still none the wiser.

    • #19443

      Duncan cowling

      Chameleon Info:
      • Your Chameleon – Veiled chameleon, 2-3 months old I was told. I call him a he but not sure. I’ve had him just over a week.
      • Handling – I’ve held off handling to allow him to settle in.
      • Feeding – locusts 10-12 and small meal worms (not every day) in a morning.
      • Supplements – exo terra supplements
      • Watering – Manually misted at least 3 times a day, I have seen him drink.
      • Fecal Description – Long and dark (seems to have no problem passing) also white present (presuming that is urine?)
      • History – no history given from pet shop only that he’s about 2-3 months old.
      Cage Info:
      • Cage Type – reptibreeze zoo med (41x41x76cm
      • Lighting – exo terra canopy with exo terra 150 reptile uvb bulb. Komodo dome clamp lamp with exo terra 100w daylight basking bulb. On during the day and off at night as much as possible to a 12 hour on and 12 hour off schedule.
      • Temperature – around 81 at basking spot and around 76 at floor. Got a dual prob thermometer.
      • Humidity – humidity levels between 52-68 I’ve recorded. Dual thermometer can read humidity too.
      • Plants – Are you using live plants? Using artificial plants
      • Placement – cage is located in corner of room, not near fans, vents or high traffic areas. Top of cage is 167cm from floor.
      • Location – Noth Lincolnshire uk
      Current Problem – Cham colouring

      • #19447


        Ok, I sent the other reply before I saw this. The goal is to use a process of elimination to find the cause.
        Your temps and humidity are good. And you do have plants, which is great, but chams like to climb the highest part of the enclosure most. Id move up (or get more) plants and add more climbing branches so he/she (check for spurs on back of hind feet) can feel more secure. That may help with more bright colors as it may be showing muted colors to blend with what its walking on. Its also in a new place since you just got it, so it could still be stressed and that why its grayish.

        And yes, the white in poo in urine. Its good that its white and not yellowish/orange. White is hydrated yellow/orange is dehydrated. And mealworms should not be part of a staple diet for a cham. They arent very nutritious and are harder to digest. Locus’ I thin are fine. Id add some hormworms or dubia roaches if you can get them where you are. Heres a great youtube channel that has a lot of very helpful info on chams: Heres a pic of my little guy and his cage if i can add both pics in

        • #19449


          Top half of my cage. (will get larger one in a few months) Humidity is high due to me just spraying and just turned off the fogger

        • #19452

          Duncan cowling

          As I’ve only had just over a week I’m aware the colouring could be due to stress of new surroundings. I know the setup I have is very basic and I intend to add to it regularly. He’s eating well, pooing well and regular and his very mobile during the day which has kind of added to my confusion

        • #19457


          Seems like hes just been playing it safe trying to blend in while exploring his new digs. lol

        • #19460

          Duncan cowling

          I did wonder that too as there’s times I struggle to see him yet when I go closer to look he’s just sat there looking at me. Haha

        • #19462


          Haha, Yes! In just did that last night when I checked on mine before bed. Couldnt see him anywhere and he was right up top between two leaves staring at me with both eyes. I swear if he could look smug, he would have.

        • #19466

          Duncan cowling

          I remember the day I got him he didn’t leave the bottom for what seemed hours, I’d read that it could happen. I then went for a shower and when I came back into the room he was half way up the cage on the wood I’d got for him. I swear he stopped dead and kinda looked at me as if he was pi**ed off that he was busted moving 😂😂😂

        • #19469


          Haha. Yeah, youre a big predator to him still. Gotta hold still and blend in as not to be seen! They are literally the funniest pet we’ve had yet, I swear. Ours like draws up his little arm when we do anything inside the cage, like, “Dont you touch me!” He’s still getting used to us, too.

        • #19472

          Duncan cowling

          I could literally watch him for hours. Tbh I do. I’ll put something on the tv then realise I’ve not watched any of it coz I’ve been too busy watching him. It always gets me how he’ll not move if he thinks I’m watching him then when he thinks I’m not looking he’ll set off. Haha

        • #19474


          Ive done the same. They are so cool and worth the money and time.

        • #19475

          Duncan cowling

          I’d read that he might not eat straight away due to a new surrounding. So I persevered the first couple of days but on the 3rd day he ate and it was like a proud parent moment 😂😂😂

        • #19477


          I know! I read that too but mine at the first day we got him. I think their young age may have something to do with it. More adaptable? But thats just a guess.

        • #19480

          Duncan cowling

          Other than his colour he’s a bundle of energy tbh. And a proper character.

      • #19494


        Overall his cage is really nice and his color is acceptable. He is not highly stressed, but may not be completely relaxed either. Given that you’ve only had him a week, there is no need for concern yet, and if he is a proper little character, then that is really excellent. If I had to guess, I would say that you might get a brighter color out of him eventually if his basking spot was a little warmer. 81F max seems a little cold to me. See if you can get that spot up to 87 for a couple of days, and observe his reaction.

        AB…do you concur?

        • #19522


          I do agree. I told him thats probably why it was climbing near the lamp. 81 is not horrible for a baby, as they cant handle heat like the adults. Adults like about 90ish, babies in the 80s. Mine prefers between 85-87, at that temp i see him basking then moving to different spots (with temps from 80-75) in the cage and exploring, at 90 hes gaping while basking. I would try lowering the lamp to about 85-87 surface temp and see what you get out of him.

        • #19529


          Just to be clear, you are advising him to physically lower the lamp to put it closer to the basking spot, thereby making the temp warmer. Sounds like a good and safe way to experiment. If for some reason the lamp cannot be lowered, perhaps a second option is to raise the perch?

        • #19537


          Yeah, I think either would work. I keep my 75w bulb about 6 inches from the highest perch and that gives me a 85-87 basking spot. Id say his is easily over 10-15 inches from the nearest branch. That temp could also be why the cham is an odd color and added warmth will help with digestion, especially if its eating mealworms often.

        • #19545


          Yes, whatever works to allow him/her a spot at 87 F for a while could give you the information about mood that you seek. If temperature isn’t it, then I would suggest covering the cage for a few days to screen activity in the room from the animal’s view for awhile.

    • #19445


      How old is it and male or female. Harder to tell at this age, the markings make me think female possibly. Males always have little stubs on the heel of the back feet though. What are your temperatures and does it turn a different color when its asleep? Do you have an foliage in the cage?

      • #19446

        Duncan cowling

        Chameleon husbandry Info:
        • Your Chameleon – Veiled chameleon, 2-3 months old I was told. I call him a he but not sure. I’ve had him just over a week.
        • Handling – I’ve held off handling to allow him to settle in.
        • Feeding – locusts 10-12 and small meal worms (not every day) in a morning.
        • Supplements – exo terra supplements
        • Watering – Manually misted at least 3 times a day, I have seen him drink.
        • Fecal Description – Long and dark (seems to have no problem passing) also white present (presuming that is urine?)
        • History – no history given from pet shop only that he’s about 2-3 months old.
        Cage Info:
        • Cage Type – reptibreeze zoo med (41x41x76cm
        • Lighting – exo terra canopy with exo terra 150 reptile uvb bulb. Komodo dome clamp lamp with exo terra 100w daylight basking bulb. On during the day and off at night as much as possible to a 12 hour on and 12 hour off schedule.
        • Temperature – around 81 at basking spot and around 76 at floor. Got a dual prob thermometer.
        • Humidity – humidity levels between 52-68 I’ve recorded. Dual thermometer can read humidity too.
        • Plants – Are you using live plants? Using artificial plants
        • Placement – cage is located in corner of room, not near fans, vents or high traffic areas. Top of cage is 167cm from floor.
        • Location – Noth Lincolnshire uk
        Current Problem – Cham colouring

      • #19451

        Duncan cowling

        I’m unsure of gender. I got 2-3 months old. When sleeping it’s almost like he looks like he’s glowing

        • #19453


          The color they are when theyre sleeping is their natural, relaxed color. I always try to aim to keep them as near that color as I can. I honestly think your issue is the lack of greenery up high and stress from a new location. When you can add or move the plants up for a few days and see if it gets better. There’s a Zoologist on here that will eventually weigh in and probably have a little more info. As for me, Im betting its stressed from new place and lack of cover. Also, ill add a picture of male/female back feet for you to find out what ya got. Males have tiny nubs.

        • #19454

          Duncan cowling

          To be honest I’m the last day or so I have noticed more green coming through which kinda reassured me as such. I’m planing a restructure of his cage tomorrow.

        • #19456


          Yup, thats awesome to hear. Little guy/girl is settling in then. Glad youre updating the cage a little too. Its a good cage, youll just see your cham flourish with plenty of plants and branches. Itll move about more and everything.

        • #19458

          Duncan cowling

          He’s gonna end up with a chameleon palace 😂😂😂. As you can see in the picture he loves having a wander round. Before I got him I’d read different articles etc that said not to put things too high so they’re to close to the heat and some say put as close to heat as possible. So a site like this is a lifesaver to a novice like me tbh

        • #19461


          Oh I understand. Ive been there, thats why I try to give advice when asked on here. We all have to learn somehow. I always just put my heat lamps about 4-6 inches (depending on output) above the screen and the nearest branch to read in the 80s. That way if he climbs on the screen, hes still safe from heat.

        • #19463

          Duncan cowling

          I don’t if you can see at the top of my cage that I’ve used a lampshade to add distance??

        • #19467


          Ah, ok. I wasnt sure what it was. That may be keeping the heat in one round spot and with the height, thats probably why youve been seeing it climbing the screen near the heat. Thats a good idea for distance though. I put a hook in my ceiling and have my lamp hanging from a chain on one of my enclosures. lol

        • #19470

          Duncan cowling

          Tbh he goes on wanders around the cage daily but he doesn’t seem to go any closer to the heat if that makes sense as if it appeared he was doing that I’d removed the lampshade and see if that made a difference it’s almost as though he just goes fit a wander around to exercise kinda thing

        • #19471


          Lol. Your temps and everything are good so I wouldnt worry about it. Its a larger lamp too, so i wouldnt say the heat circle is too small. He may just like going closer for a quick heat up and wonder about afterwards. Theyre very quirky.

        • #19465


          Id almost bet yours is a female though. Between the markings and almost no bulge at base of tail, Id say youve got a girl. The casque isnt too big either (though its a baby so thats a given either way). The sure way to know is the feet though and I cant see those in the pics.

        • #19468

          Duncan cowling

          I called him Steve after my dad who passed away in feb, and my mum has since moved out to live with her new fella so he’s my only source of company, so if it ends up being confirmed that he is a she he’ll simply become stevie. Haha

        • #19473


          Lol, either way thats a nice reasoning for a name. Im glad you have interesting company as well!

        • #19476

          Duncan cowling

          I’d rather have him as company than human company 😂😂😂

        • #19478


          Oh yeah. Dont blame you at all!

        • #19479

          Duncan cowling

          He never tells me to shut up 😂😂😂

        • #19481


          Lmao. Man, I need to use that one next time I say I prefer animals to people.

        • #19482

          Duncan cowling

          The poor guy listens to me go on and on and never judges me 😂😂

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