Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Sandy Pebbles loves Signing Time!

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      Sandy Pebbles
      Sandy Pebbles loves Signing Time!

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Sandy Pebbles loves watching TV in general, but her favorite thing to watch is SigningTime on Parker’s IPad. Parker has autism and although he doesn’t touch or interact with Miss. Pebbles, he will watch that program with her. Parker completely loses it, irrupting in laughter every time she tries to eat bugs off of the screen!! Truly these are their bonding moments and it’s incredible to watch our sweet boy come alive with joy because of Miss. Pebbles’ antics when watching the shows together!!</p>

    • #1080


      Sandy Pebbles sounds like an accidental therapist, only better.  Therapists serve a number of valuable functions, but making you laugh is usually not one of them.  Parker may eventually be able to interact more fully with S. Pebbles, Esq. but it can take time.  My limited experience with adults and children with autism in an equine-assisted therapy venue indicates that although there are some overnight improvements in communication, cognitive, and social skills after a month of interacting with a therapy horse, it generally takes longer.  Good thing that well cared for beardies have a life span of sufficient longevity that makes it possible for them to be able to stick around long enough for them to yield that potential long term effect, where possible.  Never underestimate the power of laughter and a non-judgmental companion, even if it’s a reptile.  I have some research papers on this subject that may be of interest and inspiration to you, if you are into that sort of thing.  Just let me know via this forum and I will post links to them.

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