Topics Forums Leopard Geckos Cricket Contest

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    • #27691

      Cricket Contest

      This is Albedo! She a Diablo Blanco female. She has this obsession with digging and I normally find her under her mat, she will flip hides! However, she does love this cave I got her and she sleeps in absolutely silly ways. Help me fatten my baby up with some good noms so she grows a better temperament :3. She is 45grams now.

    • #27697


      That’s a nice looking gecko!!! She looks similar to mine. Her name is Luna.

    • #27699


      She is very unique! What is it about her temperament that more crickets might improve?

      • #27719


        hi, I haven’t ever tried to give her crickets. I normally feed her mealworms. she loves them and is a very active eater. sorry it took me so long to respond. I could post a feeding video of how quick she is to go for food and to eat a lot. I think something hopping around the tank would help her be more active. I love watching her, she is by far my most photoed lizard. Crickets would also add a nice variety to her diet of small superworms and mostly mealworms.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by casey.
        • #27722


          I would encourage you to try more soft-bodied insects, beginning with crickets and dubia roaches. Leos have a very short digestive system and the hard exoskeleton of mealworms means that your lovely girl isn’t getting as much useful nutrition as she needs for long-term health.

    • #27701


      Mines loves to dig as well. If youre interested try filling the cave she flips with dry coco fiber. I did that and mine 100% enjoys digging out his cave to sleep in it. I fill it back in every other week about. Gives him some enrichment and exercise too. He’s been much happier since i started doing that.

      • #27706


        Sounds simple and effective. Couldn’t hurt to try, Casey.

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