Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #409

      Cricket Contest

      This is Spike, my classroom pet! We’ve recently found out that he is a she so we will be changing her name shortly. My 3rd graders LOVE her and have a BLAST feeding her crickets, watching her bask, and work hard to earn the prize of getting to hold her for a bit!

    • #411


      Rewarding students with a chance to hold her is a great idea!  I bet they love watching her move around in her cage too.  Do you let the students take her home during the summer?

    • #416


      I just got her this past Christmas so we haven’t done summer yet BUT she’s gone home with different students almost every weekend since! I make sure parents know what they are signing up for and committing to and so far it’s worked really well.

      • #417


        They sound like a great way to teach kids how to be responsible pet owners.  We do have this comprehensive guide on bearded dragon care.  Or feel free to post a question here and we can certainly help you out too!

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