young Strawberry Pacman frog not eating!
Hi all, I am hoping someone on this forum can help. We got a baby pacman frog about 3 months ago. She is somewhere around 8 months to a year old. At first, she was very hungry and ate almost daily. We fed her primarily crickets. Now it has been almost three weeks since she has eaten and she is looking very skinny. We’ve tried mealworms and crickets and feeding at different times of the day. Her temperature and humidity seem fine. We did move her location about a month ago (to a warmer room in our house) so we thought initially it might be stress. How can we get her to eat?!
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This is a very common problem at about this age. Lots of members have had issues. The first thing I always ask is has she pooped? Sometimes it’s hard to be sure, especially if she has pooped in one burrow and now has dug a different one. If she has pooped recently, like in the last week, and still refusing food, then the next question would be what sort of substrate is she on and is there a possibility that she has ingested material that could be causing impaction? Those are two good diagnostic tools to start with. Also, does she look alright in every other way? Skin? Eyes? Movements?
Thanks for the reply. She is finally eating! We tried some giant worms and she seems to love those. She has eaten three this week and has pooped and seems more alert too. Maybe she was just bored with crickets and mealworms?!
Quite possibly, or wanted to avoid foods with a chitinous shell for a little while. Who knows? But I’m glad she’s doing well now.
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