Topics Forums Ball Pythons The humidity in my ball pythons enclosure

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    • #10145

      The humidity in my ball pythons enclosure

      So I got my first python, Tuesday will mark a week since I got him. I currently use a Acu Rite model 02097m. I pulled it out the box and put it right in the terrarium. I put it on the indoor mode and the Tempt consistently reads 74-75 degrees and the humidity sits at about 55%. Changed it to the outdoor mode and the temp sits at 92 degrees and the humidity is 33%.

      I also bought a temp Gun to check temp that way as well and my ambient temp is 91 degrees, hot side hide is 90 degrees and the cool side is 78 degrees. So my temps aren’t too far off from what the acu rite reads on outdoor mode.

      So my concerns are. Does anyone know if acu rite needs to be calibrated, do I use indoor mode( thought that would have been pretty self explanatory but obviously not so much🤦🏾‍♂️). Also how to get my humidity up. I use coco husk and added water before he got here.

    • #10150


      Although I am not familiar with the finer points of Acu Rite, but if you are struggling with humidity, try putting something solid over part of the screen top. From the photo, it appears as though the top is fully screened. That’s great if you are in a humid part of the country such as Florida. But if it were me here in the arid western Colorado high country, I would have the enclosure only 1/2 screened on top at the most.

      • #10152


        Yes it’s a fully screened top, however I have the hvac tape over the screen beside where the heat light sits. I’m in Illinois. I will try putting something over the top and see if that helps me.

        • #10153


          Illinois can be pretty humid in summer I believe. You might have to experiment with it some to get the right summer Feng shui. In winter when the heat is on and the house is closed up and dry, I bet the partial covering is going to be critical to keep your snake comfortable.

        • #10195


          Any change in the humidity?

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