Topics Forums Leopard Geckos starburst my leopard gecko

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    • #22107

      shannon hogle
      starburst my leopard gecko

      this is starburst my leopard gecko she is almost 12 i got her june 19th 2009 she was only 2 inches long when i got her
      she fears crickets loves mealworms and is a clumsy eater she is 9 inches long about 40 grams i think now she goes thru strikes were she wont eat
      so her weight fluxgate’s

    • #22109


      Well, she looks pretty good. Our Leo only likes crickets if the legs or antenna dont touch his face before he bites them. lol. Shes probably in brumation when she doesn’t wanna eat tho also. Have you tried Hornworms or wax worms? Most reptiles LOVE them and they can be used to keep weight on when theyre being picky eaters. I like mine to have a super fat tail though too. lol

      • #22111

        shannon hogle

        she love calcium worms mostly a worm addict lol
        my only true issue is moths i have a invassin of them and we cant get ride of them
        and that invfest in my mealworms and or superworms so if anyone had any tips I was gonna try breeding them in paper with lids of food and gel for water and egg crates and paper tubes

        • #22145


          I have this same issue. It is tapering off now though. I put all new bedding in and take any left over food out the next day. But your idea does sound like it may work as well. Mealworms like to bury themselves though, so hopefully they wont turn to beetles too much faster.

    • #22123


      She does look pretty fine. I don’t think you should worry just yet.

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