Topics Forums Leopard Geckos Pepper the leopard gecko

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    • #1141
      Pepper the leopard gecko

      This is pepper the leopard gecko! She is the sweetest little gecko there is. She came out of her hide on day to greet me with a big smile and ran right up my arm after! She loves crickets, so winning a year supply would make her smile bigger. 🙂

    • #1147


      She has such a sweet face!  I wonder if she knows this, she sorta looks like she does.  How old is she?

    • #1148


      She is so adorable! What a great smile.

    • #1151

      Thank you for kind comments! We believe she is about four months old based on what the pet store indicated and asking at reptile expos about her general size.

    • #1152


      She looks really curious.  I bet hunting feeder insects is one of her favorite activities!

    • #1154


      She seems pretty happy and if she runs up your arm I’d say that she is already pretty well socialized.  You mentioned reptile expos.  Do you have an opinion on which one is your favorite?  If so, why is that?

    • #1155

      I have only been to one so far so not the best judge of best one, but there was one this summer in New York that was fun.

    • #1156


      How many vendors would you say were there and did their animals seem healthy and well cared-for?

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