Pacman frog update/questions
Hi, I have had my Pacman frog since October he is 5-6months old now! I was just wondering how often I should be feeding him. Is every other day ok, sometimes even every 2 days?
Then my second question would be should I be giving equal amounts or a bit more of either calcium or vitamin. I usually give ca, vi, ca, vi in such an order.
Thanks, Rosalina
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Every other day is fine at t his age, but I wouldn’t go longer until he is about 9 months. He needs just a bit more calcium than vitamins. Calcium at each feeding is essential, but vitamins can be once a week.
Ok! and also is it ok to feed more worms than crickets? he seems to like worms more but Im not sure how healthy that is
You can’t go wrong with a 50/50 crickets to worms ratio.
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