Topics Forums Frogs – Pixies, Pacmans, & More! Pacman frog teething??

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    • #36214


      This might sound stupid, but I have a kinda weird question. So I was having some issues with lunging (“aggression”). Before that time I notice his teeth were not grown in. But today we were feeding him, he was not lunging or being really abnormal, and when he opened his mouth once he was done with the worm, I noticed his teeth grown in on the bottom and they were looking sharp and pointy and not gummed over. So I was wondering if those crazy moments where he was lunging and kind of being different was a teething reaction ?? I know human babies have issues when they’re teething due to discomfourt, so is it possible these reactions were just my baby pac was just uncomfourtable from his teeth growing in.

    • #36241


      Maybe AB has some idea, but I have never heard about testing pain one way or the other. has the lunging behavior stopped?

      • #36251


        pretty much, i have not seen him lunge for a week now

        • #36260


          I’m glad he stopped doing that. Was it because you increased his feeding frequency?

        • #36275


          im not really sure why he stopped, i did start feeding him every day so thats quite possible

        • #36355


          I bet that had something to do with it. I would keep feeding him daily for another month, and then switch to every other day and see what happens. On the feeding days he needs to be offered as much food as he will eat before fasting the next day.

    • #36252


      I know consider any animal question stupid. Not learning about a pet in your care, i do consider stupid. lol. So youre all good, ask away!

      Anyway, i find this very interesting. I havent heard of it but i do know that dogs like to chew on anything, including their owners when teething, never seen one be grouchy from it though. Human babies?, 100%. I say if it has stopped, and doesnt continue (besides maybe if he ever isnt fed in quite some time) then id just assume it was the teeth. It doesnt feel good to get teeth in, even to a frog i guess. We learn new things about animals all the time, so i wouldnt count it out just because it hasnt been studied or recorded.

      And to be honest, i 100% forgot Pacman frogs actually have teeth. Id only read that one other time and as i dont own one, forgot that fact. So ty.

      • #36276


        thanks! I didn’t know if that would be completely out of the question.

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