Topics Forums Frogs – Pixies, Pacmans, & More! Pacman frog starting to be aggressive

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    • #34959


      I want to start by saying I know lunging and aggressiveness have always been a possibility in pacman frogs. My pacman who has never shown signs of aggression and never bitten or lunged at me. But on Wednesday as I were feeding him, he jumped right out at the worm and flipped onto the back, I’d never seen this happen before and jumped and screamed a bit (lol). This made me a bit anxious and scared me, and I just felt uneasy about it. Then today I was feeding him again, I went to give him the worm, and he sat the still as a rock, but then he jumped at it, and all the way across the tank. I don’t want to sound like a bad person saying this, but I don’t know if I can keep going on with this, and maybe need to rehome him. BUT I really DONT want to do that, I know he won’t be like this forever (at least I’d hope). I just don’t want to be scared to feed him, today I was so scared after it happened I just broke down crying I don’t understand what I need to do.
      Is there ways to calm him, or make him act less like this? Is there a way that I can be better used to this than I am not, and I won’t be so alarmed?
      Sorry for ranting.

    • #35096


      It’s possible that he just isn’t getting enough food. My leo act like that if he’s a little more hungry than usual. Also, you might like getting some feeding tongs and try to feed him that way. That way he’s lunging at those and not you.

      • #35129

        Rosalina Mangino

        I use tongs with rubber tips, but I just can’t seem to not budge when he lunges so I usually jump and then accidentally pull the tongs across the tank. Usually with him latched on. I just can’t seem to not react
        (This is the same person just on another account)

        • #35157


          How about when its time to feed him you just move him to a small/medium tub and just drop the food in front of him? That’ll remove you holding anything at all? I get it. If you’re uncomfortable, its not gonna be comfortable for him either.

        • #35263

          Rosalina Mangino

          Ok I’ll try that, do you think he’ll bite me picking him up?

        • #35298


          I’ve never had a frog bite me on purpose, miss the food maybe but not attack me. So I highly doubt it. I’d place one hand flat on the ground in front of him and push/poke his butt. He should jump right into your hand. As far as I know they don’t even have teeth. I know other frog species don’t.

    • #35314


      Sounds normal for a hungry frog. Increase his feedings to daily for 7 days and see if that makes a difference. He should be at an age when every other day is enough, but they are so individual in their needs and personalities that a little experimentation is needed. His behavior is not bad, really, but if it frightens you, then feed him more for a bit and see if that calms him down enough that you again feel comfortable with him.

      • #35523


        That was my original thought but they figured they had enough food. They then to eat more when young too. The only timbiv had a frog lunge at me was wen it was hungry.

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