Topics Forums Bearded Dragons One of a kind beardie

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    • #728

      One of a kind beardie

      This is chief hes def one of a kind. His favorite thing to do is watch tv lol. Im not joking. He loves animal movies and action.

    • #732


      Chief seems to have good taste in TV.  Does he watch the Animal Planet channel?  How long has Chief been an avid TV viewer?

    • #740


      He doesnt watch much animal planet he likes movies his favorite movie no lie is happy feet he will stand on his hind legs putting his belly against the front of the tank and litterally watch it from begininng to end he also loves criminal minds and blue blood. He really is a trip i have a dog that will lay on my bed and watch tv right along with him. I also have 2 orher beardies 4 Leopard Geckos 6 greys tree frogs 2 toads 2 rock frogs and a ball python. I desperately could use free crickets.

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