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    • #41619

      Newest Member of the Family

      Meet Bowser! (Yes, from Mario). He is an Eastern Box turtle that was found last April frozen to grass. His rescuer thought he was dead! So they helped warm him up and put him near a bowl of water. The next day they went to check on him. He hadn’t moved an inch and was in the exact same spot. So they took him home and did as much research as they could and did a pretty good job with him, but just didn’t have the time or knowledge to help him grow. He was about to be shipped to New York when i touched base with them and offered to take him. His rescuer and i were both relieved that Bowser didn’t have to be mailed anywhere!

      He has some issues walking, but i think that’s from lack of dusting his food and low UV amounts. His shell has a slight warp that i am working to straighten out. He’s a very sweet little guy and seems to enjoy being handled. He even pops his head out and looks at you when you hold him.

    • #41628



      • #41629


        Thank you. He’s thinking about eating the Black Soldier Fly Larva I got from winning on this site. lol

    • #41639


      So far he hasn’t eaten yet, but ive only had him for 2 days. I know thats pretty normal for reptiles in a new home so ill try daily and give him this week to get used to things before i start to worry.

      • #41640


        Sheesh, how long can he go without food, also do you know how old, he is? It there a way to tell?

        • #41641


          Supposed to eat everyday, i usually go by a rule of 3 days max though. Theres only 2 more days in this week, so im not worried yet. I know he ate for his old owner and i know he is no more than a year old because they found him last april. And given his size, id say that was his first year. He’s not much larger than one of those gold dollar coins, may be same size. You tell by shell length.

        • #41642


          Cool! Hope he will eat for ya soon!

        • #41961


          Wow he’s tinier than I thought he would be. It’s probably too early in the year where you are for hibiscus flowers, unless you are in Florida. All box turtles seem to be mad about them, so if available, perhaps those can tempt him to eat.

        • #42781


          In Ohio. I have one of those for Rexxar to snack on though, but its not blooming right now. Been in the house all winter. So far he wont eat anything for me. Previous owner said he never would eat any fruits and veggies anyway.

          Im trying everything i know. Raised his heat, misted him, tried feeding at sunrise and sunset, all day, offering him bugs while soaking, while in my hand, on warm and cool side of tank, tried mealworms and waxworms (what hes used to eating supposedly), tried BSFL and a can of box turtle food gel stuff people swear by. Next is strawberries and some greens after i get to the store. The closest hes come is looking at a waxworm today, then ignoring it. And hes so sweet (and tiny) i cant get him to open his mouth or even try to bite to syringe a little bit of mushed food in him. In the past ive been able to annoy a turtle enough to get it to bite the syringe and get food. This one wont bite for anything and he tucks his head so i cant pinch the corners of his mouth to open it. I dont wanna tress him by using soft tonges that i have to pry it open either. All he wants to do it hide and burrow int he tank. And explore while hes out of tank. Any more ideas?

    • #41669

      Carla Meeks

      I had a red ear slider named spike that I rehabilitated then released back into the wild. I love turtles but hubby said no more pets for me.

      • #41942


        They’re special animals. I’ve done a bit of turtle rehabs and releases, but this one isnt able to be released. He was a hatchling when he was found and has issues walking. Poor little guy. And i feel ya on the no more pets! Luckily, if i can afford it and i have the time for it, i can keep it. Mines a big pet lover too though, not all are. Currently looking for a female sugar glider to go with one of my current ones. Son has always wanted a tortoise, but we cant afford one. Luckily Box turtles are the closest turtle to tortoises, in my opinion. lol So he’s thrilled.

    • #41948


      wow, that’s a great story! Why were they going to ship him to New York? How cold can box turtles get? Crazy they can just recover like that!

      • #41984


        Someone else offered to take him in, but they lived in New York so wanted him shipped there. As they were the only people interested in him, he was almost shipped. Luckily, i saw the post the night before he was shipped and called them. He brought the little guy right over. Gave me the tank, lights and everything so i didn’t even have to use my back-up tank and lights. Even offered me money for taking him, i had everything i needed for him so i declined that of course.

        And as far as i know all reptiles are able to slow their heat rate and metabolism and survive cold temps for short times (without hibernation, which not all do. Like tropical species). Turtles do it every winter. Kind of like a bear hibernating. But that happens slowly and their in hiding as well. Anything below 60 f can trigger this as far as i know. This poor guy was just frozen to the ground, so he must have either been born early or just not gotten hidden in time. Not sure. Don’t know the minimum they can survive.

    • #42918


      Update, he finally ate! lol. Just needed to get used to new environment and higher temps.

    • #42987


      Thanks everyone for keeping tabs on the little guy. Glad he ate too! I usually dont worry with new pets when they dont want to eat at first. But he was taking it a little far for my liking. I think he was wanting to go into brumation because he only had a 25 watt bulb (i could touch it and not feel burnt) until i got him.

      • #42993


        Sure, I was really excieted when I heard that he had eaten!

    • #59344


      Just updating that this little guy is a GREAT eater. Will eat any big you put down and has even begun eating his fruits and veggies without issue. His shell is even finally beginning to round out like a box turtles should be. Woo-Hoo!

      • #59400


        Excellent news! I’m sure you are relieved.

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