Topics Forums Bearded Dragons New Beardies

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    • #14242

      Tina White
      New Beardies

      These beauties are a week old. They are great eaters & will be looking for homes in about 2 months.

    • #14244


      Theyre adorable. Are you a breeder or did your pets just happen to surprise you?

      • #14247

        Tina White

        We have 4 adults & breed 1 set each year. This is the first clutch of 3.

    • #14245


      Oh wow, they’re beautiful! How long have you been breeding beardies? Do you have a website you can share with the community?

      • #14248

        Tina White

        This is our 2nd year breeding. Right now we sell locally through Facebook, but are working on getting our license to expand.

        • #14265


          Ah that’s great. I keep thinking about this Simpsons reference when I see that one bearded dragon inside/under the cage.

          Any plans to expand into other morphs?

        • #14273

          Tina White

          Not as of now. Mother is a Hypo Zero & dad is a Het, Hypo, Trans

        • #14270


          Such a neat hobby! How did you get into initially?

        • #14274

          Tina White

          My son & I raise them together. He is a quadriplegic & loves animals. It kind of became our hobby together so that we do things together other than strictly just having the caregiver relationship. He is working on a biology degree and hopes of working for a local theme park or maybe one day opening his own shop.

        • #14338


          That’s awesome. Even without disabilities, its always great to do special things with your children that you both enjoy. I wish him all the luck on his degree’s!

        • #14342

          Tina White


        • #14358


          That’s awesome!! Is he specializing in herpetology within his degree?

        • #14399

          Tina White

          He has one more class to finish his associates then we were applying for his bachelors probably at USF and they have biology courses where he can do a focus on animal tracks not sure how close to the herpetology we can get.

        • #14400


          I love tracking animals by their scat and tracks. Very easy and interesting pastime in the Rockies. But how can he take college courses in this subject? Or would it be through extended studies?

        • #14403

          Tina White

          USF has a bachelor’s in Biology with an few animal tracts such as marine, husbandry, etc. I believe he can specialize in extended studies also.

        • #14404


          🤣 Animals tracts, not tracks. Very funny miscommunication. I bet he will be able to focus his course of studies in a way that lends itself to amphibian and reptile topics, even if he can’t major in it. Right now the hot topic where all the jobs are is marine, if he is at all interested in that.

        • #14405

          Tina White

          Lol, actually marine animals are his absolute favorite he has an amazing connection with dolphins because they are fascinated with his wheelchair. Due to the disabilities being a quadriplegic it does put some limitations on what he can and cannot do so at this point it’s just a slow steady move forward and exploring options.

        • #14406


          Exploring options is always a wise course of action. Gosh, wouldn’t it be amazing if he could be in the water, at least a bit of the time, studying marine animals in their native environs! No telling what technology will make possible for him in the near future.

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