Topics Forums Bearded Dragons My Dragon Blue sunshine

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    • #1166

      My Dragon Blue sunshine

      How many dragons do you know that have two names? Blue sunshine is her name and being a diva is her game. Blue loves to hang out in her hammock under her heat lamp. She is not to found of baths. Every time I give her one she gets mad and try’s to get out of the sink. I try and soak her well when she is shedding but she thinks other wise and pushes her hand on my hand to push me away.  We watch TV together and my trips to the pet store. She such a good girl and does great on her lease. She loves her veggies and her crickets and worms. Her favorite food is raspberries. After she is done eating raspberries she always looks scary because the raspberry is all over her face.  I mean just look at that face how could you not love her.

    • #1207


      She is adorable.  I don’t suppose you could get a picture of her Texas chain saw massacre face could you?  I think other readers would find that hysterical. I know I would.  How long did it take you to get her used to her leash.

    • #1414


      Hi Zoodulcis,

      I will take a picture of her Texas chainsaw massacre face for you. LOL. She is in mid-shed right now so shes not really in the mood to do much. But as soon as she is perky again i will do that. And, as for her lease she is still having to adjust to it. She does great on the lease most days and it has only been a few months of her being on one. But, some days she has what I call her diva days and she just is not about the lease and refuse to move. So i guess it depends on your dragon.


      • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Dragonfun.
    • #1416


      I understand about the whole shedding mood thing.  No worries and I do look forward to seeing that pic when it’s posted.  Keep up the good work on the leash.  Another forum member takes their beardie outside without one and has lost and got it back (fortunately) twice now.  That’s too much risk for my taste, so I encourage folks to get their animals used to a comfortable and well fitted harness and to understand the whole leash gig.

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