Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Midlife Crisis Tangerine ๐ŸŠ

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    • #2582

      Midlife Crisis Tangerine ๐ŸŠ

      Isnโ€™t she the most prettiest thing youโ€™ve ever seen. I call her Tangi for short, and she is just a baby. I am in midlife crisis, and instead of a dog, I got myself a Beardie. ย I am just so in love with her. So as you can see by her tank, I am a newbie at this. Buying crickets every day is killing my pocketbook. I just want to make sure that Tangi eats well. ย Tangi and I rest together watching TV at night, and she lays on my upper chest, skin to skin, just like a brand new baby. ย I know that this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. But she could really use a boat load of crickets ๐Ÿฆ—

    • #2584



    • #2641


      She is a beauty, and what a great way to indulge your crisis!ย  Buying crickets in small quantities and indeed take a bite out of one’s wallet.ย  Buying in bulk is what many keepers resort to, which means keeping them alive until you need them.ย  But not only is that better on your wallet, but it’s also better for your girl, because that way you can provide a custom gut loading diet that you are confident has the required nutrition, and not just depend on the petstore doing it for you.ย  If you need advice on cricket keeping, let me know and I will provide you with some tips.

      • #2690


        Thank you very much. I was wondering if the gut load can be made for Beardies also?

        • #2732


          Check out the gut load formula under the leopard gecko care guide to get started. This is a super inexpensive way to go. Some keepers prefer the convenience and greater expense of a Flukers gut load pellets, so that is pretty much an individual decision. I think I have that same formula posted under Beardie Health as well, just not sure. Please don’t hesitate to ask specifics on the diet. Also, this is a dry diet for long term storage. It needs to be kept sealed and in a cool place for best results. When using this, be sure to provide a juicy snack as well, such as a fresh potato or fruit. Some folks in dry climates have had trouble keeping their crickets alive if they don’t provide enough moisture.

        • #2799


          Perfect! Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š

      • #2827


        Hi, I could use some tips on cricket care please. Iโ€™m new at all of this as well, however, I do work in a pet store so know a little about keeping crickets but for whatever reason, this shipment that I just received on Friday, arrived with approximately 150 or do dead and as of today, Iโ€™ve lost probably another 60-70 crickets. So am I doing something wrong? Or is that normal to lose so many on an order of 1000?

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