GOOD MORNING, I have another addition to this mediterranean gecko adventure. I was able to find and capture a mature gecko in my shop last night. While the size difference is intimidating, these guys made it over night together. Very unsure of the sexes, but I was stuck between saving the new guy or pretending I never saw him. I took a chance at cohabitation with Turbo, so far they have kept their distance but haven’t fought from what I can see.
Hey maybe they are both juveniles and will one day be huge! Just kiddiing, but if you do have a male and a female you may be a lizard dad in another sense before the end of next year.
I think I can handle them growing a little more but hopefully they hold off on reproduction, I don’t think I can handle any more surprises with these two little nuggets. I’ll be posting the new setup mid day today. I’ll get to have some fun at the end of my shift this morning with their new set up.