Topics Forums Everything Else Lilly Pad on her throne

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    • #5881

      Michelle Stalemo
      Lilly Pad on her throne

      My Lilly Pad is hanging out on her perch, showing off her beauty.

    • #5883


      What a stunning creature. Just naturally elegant. Have you had her a long time?

      • #5889

        Michelle Stalemo

        We rescued her about a year ago. Her previous owners did not really handle her, so she was not very friendly at first. We are working with her daily to earn her trust and “friendship”. She is a beauty!

        • #5897


          Good for you!

          Just a quick behavioral tip… many keepers recommend not handling a pet daily. Handling is stressful, until they are really used to it and come to enjoy it. Daily stressors seven days a week, without 48 hours to decompress and let the adrenergic system chill for a while, can reduce the animal’s immune system response. You may not have meant literally every day, but if you did, then just take my comment under advisement, and consider giving her a break from daily handling, maybe once per week or so.

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