Topics Forums Leopard Geckos Leopard gecko

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    • #957


      The moss in my tank… is it supposed to be moist because mine is real dry? What  should I do to fix this problem.  Question number 2  is it bad if my geckos skin is turning a brown color . What am I doing wrong how should I go about fixing this problem also?

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by CritterDepot.
    • #971


      Answer to question Number 1….you might try misting with room temperature water 3 times per day.  That should perk the moss up if it is suffering.  Reduce the misting to twice per day in about a week.  That should solve the problem.  If it doesn’t, you may need to purchase an automatic mister.  For question number 2, please supply a bit more information.  When did the problem first start (how long has this change been taking place)?  When did your gecko molt last?  Is there any way you can post a good picture, so that the nature of the skin color, texture, and so forth can be seen, at least somewhat (pictures are not as good as face to face, but better than a description alone.)

    • #973


      One more question I need you to answer regarding issue #2….what is the ambient temperature of the tank at the warm end during the day and then again at night?

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