Topics Forums Leopard Geckos Leopard gecko morph?

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    • #67548

      Leopard gecko morph?

      What’s color morph name? How to differentiate snake and marble eyes

    • #67550


      Better shot of eyes

      • #67579


        Hard to be sure from the photos, but does not look marble eye to me. The pupil is distinctly visible, which is not true of the new marble-eye morphs. Someone else may have a different opinion, however.

        • #67674



        • #67880


          That’s not marble or snake eyes. It is striking and beautiful, but it is the type of eye you see with tangerine morphs a lot of the time, white the white outlining the pupil. I’ll do more research and see if I can find out what it’s called.

        • #67882


          There are some odd things I’m finding. I was taught by a breeder that snake eyes was a portion of the eye being black.

          Now when you look on the morph sites, some are saying both of these pics I’m about to add are snake eyes. So weird. They look so different, idk how it’s possible they’re both snake eyes, unless there’s different options for snake eyes now.

          The one with black is what I was taught is snake eyes. The second pic is the one now showing up on some sites as snake eyes. I’d still go with the one most breeders and collectors say is snake eyes, which is the one with a portion black.

        • #67884


          What I was taught was snake eyes. If the pics will add. They wouldn’t earlier

        • #67886


          What SOME are saying a now also snake eyes.. lol.

    • #67642


      You didn’t add an eye If the eyes look like a beautiful 3D grayish black galaxy (think space), then it’s marble. If it looks split in half between like an actual gray marble countertop and black. (Literally the pupil split in half or a large section) then I’d say snake eyes. Please add an eye picture.

      But I’d say this morph is Blood Tangerine Jungle Lavender with some confidence. If so, keep an eye out for odd behavior like looking at the ceiling and weird head movements. They often have enigma genes in them, which often have neurological issues. Though I don’t know if all or just some do.

      I’m not a professional but I do love learning about the morphs and try to read about any new colors or genetics. Marble is fairly new, don’t think snake eyes is that new.

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