no its been running like this for 3 years now i just put a sreen lid on there it has a glass top and got too moist inside but the few of the plants did great but the smell was so bad i needed it burp the tank daily. i add to the tank small low light plants here and there but its been a happy tank i will post my other tank soon and its similar to this one.
Please do, and three years is impressive. Do you have any detritivores in there such as springtail, etc? Of course, the froggies might eat them, but maybe not all. Just a thought.
i have lost of pill bugs around my house from all the trees and i find myself putting them in the tanks from time to time so they help alot for both food and tank cleaning
While pill bugs are great detrivores, they are notorious for their internal parasite load. If the pet does eat them occasionally, then the end result could be more harm than good. Better to order captive-raised, clean springtails from a supply house. They will reproduce in the habitat regularly and you may only need one order to keep the habitat really clean perpetually.