Topics Forums Lizards What’s a good substrate for beardies that is relatively sanitary? Paper towels are great but are unsightly, cleaning pee of shelf liner would be a pain.

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    • #61

      Matt Brubaker

      What’s a good substrate for beardies that is relatively sanitary? Paper towels are great but are unsightly, cleaning pee of shelf liner would be a pain.

    • #352


      Tile, it’s easy to clean and helps wear down their nails.

    • #355


      Agee with SandraRie.  Tile is typically the better substrate f or sanitation.  However, it does require some custom-build, handy-man work to get it to fit perfectly in the bottom of your habitat.

    • #2807


      Vinyl flooring tile… $6.50 was enough pieces from Home Depot to floor my 36x18x18 twice (I have a full set of backup tiles) and you can cut them with an exacto knife. Here is my full terrarium with the vinyl flooring.

      • #2823


        Isn’t the convenience of being able to cut them to fit a nice feature. What is your favorite method of sterilizing them, since I was just corresponding with another forum member on that topic?

        • #2824


          I use Clorox wipes for quick cleanups and I have a hand steamer for extensive cleanups.I use very diluted dawn soap in a spray bottle, my hand steamer and paper towels.

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