Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Gizmo hanging with his friends.

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    • #1189

      Lou Ann
      Gizmo hanging with his friends.

      Gizmo has grown so much and loves playing with his friends and is a very loving scaley baby.

    • #1202


      Looks like Gizmo is trying to defend his water bowl!  Sounds like you had Gizmo since he was a baby?

      • #1216

        Lou Ann

        Yes,we have him since he was little. We got him this past December and he was only about 4 inches long then.

    • #1205


      Gizmo says ‘who’s your buddy, who’s your pal’.  Does he know they’re not real?  Can I ask where the cool frog dish came from?

      • #1217

        Lou Ann

        I sometimes think that he thinks that they are real. It’s a tea light holder that I had found at a random little shop a few years ago.

    • #1223


      Good score on the dish, Lou Ann.  Too bad it was such a random find.  If you had gotten it on Etsy or somewhere similar I would ask for the link to the seller and post it on this site under the frog forum section.  Gizmo has certainly grown fast since December.  You must be feeding him right!  What does his usual diet consist of?

      • #1232

        Lou Ann

        <p style=”text-align: center;”>He loves fresh vegetable salad with celery,carrots,squash,green beans and broccoli and loves his crickets and an occasional dubia.</p>

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