This Buddy, he is the newest member of the reptile family. I just rescued him today. He’s totally chill. I love his color and the pattern. He almost has tiger stripes.
This topic was modified 3 years ago by ashleycrayz76.
This topic was modified 3 years ago by ashleycrayz76.
It was there daughters and she moved back east and didn’t take him with her. The parents didn’t have the time to take care of him. So I brought him home.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by ashleycrayz76.
Yes I’m very happy with him. I do have 3 other bearded dragons and I have a Frilled Dragon, a python, a corn snake, 2 gopher snakes a Chinese bix turtle and a African Sulcata tortoise. Not on the reptile list is 5 dogs and 6 chickens
That’s right, I thought I remembered you had quite the zoo at your place. Are the chickens any special breed? I used to have silkies and silver laced Polish chickens and I just loved them.
I have 2 copper marens, and the other 4 I took in I’m not sure what they are. 2 are gray and black with white spots very beautiful and I have 2 skinny white chickens.