Topics Forums Chameleons Cricket Contest

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    • #2021

      cricket baby

      Ewe I’m touching you

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by cricket baby.
    • #2024

      cricket baby

      Kricket would love to win food. She loves them sooooo much and the hunt is the best.

    • #2034


      Kricket looks so young!  And seems, adorably, to be begging for food right from your arm and up into your face so there is no doubt about her intentions.  What a cutey.  How old?

    • #2045

      cricket baby

      Not sure age but yes she is small but our first so not sure age and size comparison.

    • #2051


      Where did you get her?

    • #2227

      cricket baby

      Got her at Petsmart. She was such an unstressed baby and the girl who seemed to do the most with her was great for information.

    • #2240


      That’s good to know.  I have a distrust of big box pet stores because so often the staff are woefully undertrained and uneducated about so many of the species for sale there.  I’m glad that you had a good experience. Did you information on diet and habitat needs there?

    • #2251

      cricket baby

      Yes but mostly I had done research before. My main need is trying to figure out how to keep crickets alive for extended periods. This is the most annoying part.

    • #2263


      What did you finally come up with as the best way to keep crickets alive?

    • #2266

      cricket baby

      I haven’t. I should probably make a thread. I just ordered more. Going to try keeping them under a bed for maybe more darkness. They get orange blocks, potatoes, oatmeal, and cornmeal. Then the yellow and blue flukers quenchers. The last batch lasted a week. That’s so not good enough. They were doing good then they just started dying.

    • #2287


      Doing good and then they just started dying!  I could be totally wrong here, and it could be a disease or something, but perhaps it’s dehydration.  A quick and easy way, at no cost to you, to see if this is the case, is to put in a piece of very damp sponge.  Rewet it a little every 3 days and see if that helps with survival.  I know that in the part of the country I live in, where the humidity is typically 20-25%, potato would not be enough.  Just a thought, and if you try it and it makes a difference, please be sure to share that with us, as I bet other readers could benefit from this knowledge.

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