Topics Forums Frogs – Pixies, Pacmans, & More! cricket contest Frog gang!!! Rrrrribit!

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    • #21913

    • #21925


      That cricket is huge! Did you eventually end up removing it?

      • #21938


        no one of my other frogs ate it this morning

        • #21941


          Oh man…that must have been a challenge!

        • #21942


          you will be surprised if it can fit in there mouth they will eat it and with a size like that there a one and done on the crickets!

        • #21950


          Well that is mighty efficient! I bet some serious stomach distention goes along with one of those bad boys.

          Did you acquire all four frogs at once from the same source?

        • #21952


          funny story

          i found some at my job. there a pond there so they would like to come inside the factory from time to time in the winter to eat the bugs, so i got like 3 and took them home to make a new tanks for them, my wife at the time said no get rid of them. so i did. they love my backyard so much they started to make baby’s and live there so now there frogs and they got loud as before there was none lol. she left me so i started to find the and they found me to. i would be out side smoking and they would jump and land on my head. I would see them in my plants just every where. my friend from work moved over of the area and he had dart frogs, he gave me one as a gift, so i started my tanks for them i started with 1 dart and 3 tree frogs. the dart died cuz i changed the food i learned but now i have 11 🌲🐸 and looking to get a new dart frog soon.

        • #21996


          That is a semi-funny story. Your domestic circumstances sound like they were challenging, but it’s nice that the frogs jumped on your head to provide comfort. Aren’t dart frogs the most awesome critters! You sound like you are really getting the most out of your pets and that they provide you with a tremendous amount of satisfaction and entertainment.

        • #21999


          so true and they do for the most part and i like caring for its make me wake up every day and feel great.

        • #22009


          What you are expressing is so important to good health that I wrote a book about it. Keep up the good work!

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