Topics Forums Leopard Geckos Cricket contest

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    • #47463

      Cricket contest

      I can do it!!!!

      I know I can… just believe….

    • #47465


      A two-dimensional challenge for a 3 dimensional Leo. How long did it take him to give up?

      • #47479


        Actually a little bit I felt so bad he went all the way across the tank

        • #47500


          He seems adventurous. Do you take him out and handle him daily?

        • #47510


          I actually just got him last Saturday and I am trying to take it slow I rest my hand in there I tried the other day but he was so so scared so I just rested my hand when I fed him he is not eating like I would like to see he seems to be scared then they get away I tried to hold them but he won’t take it that way I am getting a variety of critters and he now has the wall flowers but seems to really love the cactus pictures LOL

        • #47513


          OK, I got it. I didn’t realize he was a new pet. That explains his exploratory mode. Sounds like you are doing the taming just right, going slow and not picking him up right away. Is he your first Leo?

        • #47549


          I have another guy that is about 4 or 5 months old he is coming along nicely very nosey and friendly lol I absolutely love him they are to addicting LOL he is so interested in everything. i know the baby will get there he just is worrying me not eating well and I have offered everything he will eat one day and not the next he wouldn’t eat yesterday but he sat in my hand and let me pet his head that was a great step!!I really think he does not like his cage I am looking for another one now with front doors

        • #47514


          How big is the tank? If he keeps doing that a large amount of time the tank might be too small. Also, resting a hand in with him for a little while is a great first step! I tamed my little guy in no time! If he doesn’t like his food to run but also doesnt like you holding it, have you tried feeding tongs? It also helps with taming because they put food with your presence. Wax worms arent very fast also, if you wanna use those as starters, but not a staple food. He/she’s very pretty!!

        • #47520


          It’s a 10 gallon because he is small I didn’t want to overwhelm him, I try the tongs he won’t take it yet I have to drop it right in front of him, last night he actually had to half walk over my hand lol I am just a worry wort lol I have some bsfl coming I hope he likes them too he likes the crickets and Dubia but he almost doesn’t focus to long to get them. But if it’s in front of him he will grab it and he doesn’t switch his tail at all either….thank you for your help it’s awesome to have

        • #47555


          Np, im a worrier too! lol. 10 gallon isnt bad for now. just make sure you dont go under 15 gallon as he gets bigger. ( I put two 10’s i had together for mine and sealed them together, haha). My boy doesnt like bsfl but likes literally everything else. Chameleon loves them though, so it works out. He’s young he’ll learn about catching his food. At the pet shops they feed them by dropping a crap ton of bugs in a escape proof bowl, so this whole catching food thing is probably all new for him. Great that he doesnt swish his tail much though and if hes already walking over your hand, you’re doing great and will be buddies in no time. I always recommend a certain youtube channel to every leo owner, its just called leopard gecko with a cartoon pic on one. great channel to learn.

        • #47556

        • #47557


          Thank you!!!

    • #47468


      I love the tank backdrop, did you make it yourself?

      • #47478


        LOL free printable coloring page hahahaa m fantastic coloring skills LOL

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