Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket contest

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    • #36258

      Annie Jean Johnson
    • #36261


      Looks very practical and sanitary. Are you getting into the breeding business full-time?

      • #36272

        Annie Jean Johnson

        I am disabled with lung/heart disease and needed something to supplement my income. I love my dragons, but I am learning about breeding, so I guess I am a hobbyist who got into breeding by accident. When I put me 3 girls with my 3 boys, I was not expecting so many clutches of eggs or so many babies. It is quite a learning experience. I have gotten a license to sell now so I guess I am a breeder now. You can go to Facebook and put in Jeans Dragons then go to Photos and see all the breeders and babies I have. Several of my clan are handicapped and were adopted or rescued.

        • #36356


          Wow a new adventure for you! That’s sometimes how it all begins, with an interest in a hobby that explodes into something more. Sounds like you have been involved in rescue as well. Have you been doing this for a couple of years now? I know breeding is new to you, but perhaps basic reptile husbandry is not.

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