Topics Forums Bearded Dragons cricket contest

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    • #34131

      Carla Meeks
      cricket contest

      Hello everyone 🙂 this is Snorlax, he is about 3 months old this month. This little piggy loves his bugs. We recently found out he loves Dubias. Winning this would help us out a lot since he is currently in his mostly protein stage of his life. thank you for checking us out and for voting.

    • #34415


      Such an alert little dude. Still think that’s a hysterical name. They sure can eat at this age. What do you dust his bugs with?

      • #34422

        Carla Meeks

        Calcium powder, im not sure of the brand. The person we got him from gave me Tupperware full of it but it’s what they use at their rescue.

        • #34423


          Oh my goodness! I’m sure they meant well, but unless you know whether it includes Vitamin D3 or not, then long term your little guy could be at risk. he will also need vitamins weekly. Did they give you any of those?

        • #34424

          Carla Meeks

          I’m pretty sure it does have D3. They have like 15 dragons, 10 geckos, 8 snakes, and some other reptiles. It’s a family friend that runs it. They gave me a care sheet, some food for start, calcium powder, 40gal set up with all the lights and decorations, and vitamins.

        • #34751


          Oh that sounds awesome and the calcium probably does have D3. Still, you might want to drop them an email just to make sure.

        • #34765

          Carla Meeks

          I did yesterday when you mentioned it lol it does have D3. It had me worried when I didn’t know.

        • #34768


          Oh cool, it would have worried me too. So now you know and you run no chance of accidental D3 poisoning. Good on ya!

        • #36009


          Geesh. That’s awesome. You can’t beat that. With how much I spend doing the most natural and spacious enclosures possible, that is a great deal and money saver. I need a friend like that. Lol.

          My own uncle used to breed beardies and he still wanted to charge me top of the line fancy morph prices, for the basic wild type color dragons. Didn’t come with anything else. Lmao. Didn’t want not free, but I didn’t think I should be overcharged! Haha. I’d rather find one someone isn’t caring for and rescue it instead. Congrats on the great gift!

        • #36113

          Carla Meeks

          The only reason I got a discount on him is because the rescue owner is best friends with my husband. We host D&D twice a month so I have to cook for 6 grown men, myself. And an 8 year old. So instead of paying me for food he gifted me snorlax and the set up in exchange for a few months of not paying me for food lol.

        • #36117


          Hopefully they don’t all smoke cigars, slam whiskey and lose lots of money. Oh wait, that’s poker. D&D folks usually don’t go in for that, just some adult beverages and maybe a different kind of smoke. Sounds like they are a lot of work, but probably a lot of fun too, and at least you got a great pet with accommodations out of the deal. My kind of barter!

        • #36118

          Carla Meeks

          Lol only occasional drinking and no smoking anything here. They do get elaborate meals themed D&D in return. I think they prefer that over smoking and drinking 🤣. They respect my rules

        • #36119


          You go girl!

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