Topics Forums Everything Else Cricket Contest

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    • #33829

      Cricket Contest

      Say hello to my new found Eastern Three Toe Baby Box Turtle. His name is Max, if he turns out to be a she her name will be Maxine. When I found Max he was about the size of a half dollar, probably just hatched. I have studied up on all his requirements to stay healthy in an indoor habitat. So I built Max a indoor habitat that is 36”X48” with 12” sides. It includes a nice size pool for soaking, a top soil and coco cora mix area for Max to have a natural scavenging and natural burrowing area, a area I call the food court, where he has a food container and small shallow water container for drinking and soaking, a cool bridge going from his big soaking pool to his burrsowing area. UVB & UVA lighting. Live plants with plant lighting. Lots of hiding places, he loves to hide.

      • This topic was modified 3 years ago by gep0322. Reason: Photo file to large
    • #33872


      This is a splendid enclosure and well thought out for the pets comfort and entertainment/exercise. Is the little one actually in this picture? It would be nice to have a close up of your guy/gal so we know what it looks like at this point.

      • #33896


        He is so little (my baby Max) . I will try to post a photo off him. Thanks

        • #34696


          Little Max has changed my life.
          I have had to study and learn
          how to produce many different
          critters that he will need for
          a good diet that is needed to
          keep him healthy.
          He has gotten me into Red Worm
          farming, Mealworm farming,
          and raising Crickets.
          This is all very interesting and
          keeps me busy, not to mention the
          cost involved. But I enjoy all of it.

        • #34750


          It sounds like you are really throwing yourself into it! That is definitely part of the fun that so many people miss out on. Do you think you will eventually end up with another reptile or two?

        • #34753


          Well I’m going to definitely have plenty of different kinds of food critters to feed more than just Max. Lol
          Starting with 2000 Red Worms, that are already producing babies, 3000 Mealworms that should soon go through there cycle and 500 Crickets that will soon be laying eggs and hatching out by the hundreds. Yes, it’s all very interesting and fun.
          Thanks for noticing my efforts. Yes, I’m all in.

          • This reply was modified 3 years ago by gep0322.
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