Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #27001

      Cricket Contest

      How you doin? My name is Geico, I’m 7 months old and growing like a Beardie lol. I love hanging out in my Aloe watching my mom get my crickets dusted! She makes sure they are gut loaded and nutritious so I can grow up big and strong. I just play it cool till she dumps them in and then the hunt is on! Can you give me some gold so I can get free crickets? That would be awesome! I could chase even more crickets and have lots of fun!!!

    • #27005


      He truly is hangin’ out. Seems like a fun guy. Is he your first beardie?

      • #27007


        🙂 Yeah he has a very chill personality. Yes, he is my very first beardie. I’ve had snakes, anoles, skink, mice, frog, toad, turtle, fish but he has the most personality of all them. I love to talk to him. He will give me the cutest head & eye expressions. I know when he likes something or is displeased. He will give me a smile or turn his nose up at me with a glare depending on what he is feeling. I got the glare today when I introduced slivers of carrots amongst his salad. Lol

        • #27008


          He sounds like an amazing companion. I have to say that the vast majority of beardie owners are nuts about them. There is seldom a crabby one in the bunch, beardies, that is. Can’t speak for the owners. Chameleons seem to run the gamut personality-wise, but beardies are almost always super social, except for some rescues that have been badly neglected when very young. Where did you get yours?

        • #27050


          I got Geico at Petco. Originally my daughter wanted him, so I allowed it as a present for being an honor student. Being a tween & with school out she lost interest in the little guy. So instead of being Grammy I became Mom, but I’m ok with that. We have a great time hanging out. 🙂 Honestly I was not aware how popular they were till we got one. I love to meeting beardie parents & pick their brains. I am nervous about taking him out & about. What age would you recommend to take him in public?

        • #27057


          You can start right away, a little at a time. And acquire a good harness. After you get him used to the harness at home, indoors and then outdoors, take him to a friend’s house so he can interact with strangers. Keep the harness on him in the car and see if he likes sitting on the dashboard. Many do, although a few find it frightening. They are all so individual its hard to know what will work until you try it.

        • #27139


          That’s great ty so much. I am in the process of looking for a good harness.

        • #27140


          Good on ya! A soft harness that is adjustable for size as he grows would be a good choice. And we’re sure that he is actually a he?

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