Topics Forums Everything Else Cricket contest!

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    • #26956

      Eva Neff
      Cricket contest!

      Would love to win! Have a lot of hungry dragons! Lol!

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Eva Neff.
    • #26967


      The spirits are telling me that there are lots of free crickets in your future (but only if you get a whole bunch of your friends to log on and give you a critter gold.) That is quite the dragon crew. Do you have any other herps?

      • #26973

        Eva Neff

        Unfortunately I don’t have a ton of friends in the hobby! So its up to all the kind folks on here!. I have a small zoo lol. We also have ball pythons, blue tongue skinks, gargoyle geckos and a few cresteds. We love everyone so its a fun passion to keep these awesome reptiles.

    • #26970


      Wow, what an array of morphs! They all look so relaxed, obviously youve spend your time with each of them.

      • #26972

        Eva Neff

        I try to spend as much time as possible with them! These guys seem to enjoy being out, so I let them hang out.

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