Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #850

      Cricket Contest

      We have two beardies in our home. One for each of our girls. Rocky is a darker in color and very wild, while Kingston, my 12 year olds beardie is white in color and very loving and calm. My 8 year old sent me this picture of her 1 year old Beardie Rocky, with the caption ” Rocky started his first day at work today, while Kingston is still content being a freeloader. “

    • #858


      Rocky looks like a calculating fellow!  Interesting that these two beardies are so different from each other.  Why do you suppose that is?

    • #873


      I am not really sure what the difference is. Rocky is our wild child for sure. He loves to run around the house exploring everything, even our 110 lb German Shepherd. While Kingston loves to snuggle up under your chin and just be held. Its very interesting! I keep hoping Rocky will calm down a little bit so we can take him places with us, for now that is a scary thought lol! Here is a picture of Kingston snuggling with me.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by lowmanj85.
    • #876


      It will be interesting to see if any personality changes occur with age.  I have two house cats who are sisters.  Their personalities and even bodies are 18o from each other, and at 11 years old, I think it unlikely that the hyperactive one will change much and the laid-back ‘little fat chunk’ will suddenly be svelte and athletic.  On the other hand, I have seen a change in handling and training techniques work wonders with horses and goats.  Some failures, yes, where the animal’s personality seemed carved in granite, but also some incredible reversals the equivalent of turning Rocky into Kingston.  So keep on posting to keep us up with ongoing attitude developments.  If you discover any tips, please do share them.  As you may have noticed, another beardie owner of Oscar the Grouch (a rescue, which can have a lot to do with pet’s outlook on the world for awhile), has an unsociable fellow and they may benefit from the occasional action, change in food or enclosure, etc. that worked for you.  Oh and Kingston is uber, uber adorable.

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