Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #24545

      Cricket Contest

      This is Phoenix, we got him about 8 months ago he was a little guy that the previous family didn’t take care of properly(no uvb, ate lettuce, house bulb as heat bulb, couldn’t lift his body). He is in great shape now, didnt end up with very much if any permanent damage and loves being outside, bath time or just hanging around on the floor in the sun with Luna. 🙂🙂🙂

    • #24641


      Couldn’t lift his body!!! Wow, it’s a miracle that he is in such good shape now. Good for you! He seems to be having a great life. How did you come to know he needed a new home?

      • #24647


        A girl I work with brought him up in conversation, she was talking about how he wouldn’t use the bathroom which led to me asking a ton of questions and finding out that he wasn’t getting a proper diet or lighting. She said she had been thinking about finding someone to take him, I of course offered. We still work together, she asks about him from time to time, I send her pictures every so often. She meant well when trying to care for him, was just clueless about what they needed exactly. It was a win win for everyone.

        • #24662


          He is very lucky to hae you. I sure wish people would do a little research before acquiring a pet of any kind. But many people don’t.

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