Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #21894

      Candice Russell
      Cricket Contest

      Felipe most definitely loves crickets but a very close second is collard greens. He gets super excited to get them.

    • #21908


      That hilarious!! He does look super excited. Maybe this photo can be used to entice human children to enjoy their greens. Do you dust his greens with anything?

      • #21910

        Candice Russell

        Right like look he eats his greens so they must be yummy lol I don’t dust the greens with anything I just spray them with water to help with hydration. I dust the crickets and worms he eats with calcium powder.

        • #21926


          Sounds like a smart approach. What made you want to get a beardie?

        • #21927

          Candice Russell

          I’ve always wanted but never took the plunge. My boyfriend was talking about his past chameleons and I mentioned wanting a beardie and he said let’s do it. So more of a now or never thing and ended up getting Felipe in October 2020. He is definitely a character and I’m really glad I got him.

        • #21928


          They do add a lot to our lives! So your boyfriend is a chameleon fancier. Is he active on this forum?

        • #21929

          Candice Russell

          Hey likes them both but prolly leans more toward the chameleon lol he did get a veiled chameleon in November 2020, his name is Pepito. This is a pic of when we got him. He isn’t active on the forum.

        • #21931


          Pepito is lovely. He looks like he wants to get out and join the Christmas festivities. So he was acquired as an adult?

        • #21932

          Candice Russell

          Oh he actually escaped and made it to the top of the Christmas tree once lol we were told he was about 6 months old when we got him.

        • #21949


          Sounds like quite the ‘social’ climber. Was Pepito a rescue, or did he come from a breeder? Do you let Felipe out to roam from time to time?

        • #21986

          Candice Russell

          Ooh Pepito is a character lol the pic is from when we found him in the tree. We got Pepito from a flea market in the valley. There was a gentlemen selling a whole bunch of them. Felipe does come out from time to time to run around either inside or outside. I love watching him run it’s just the neatest.

        • #21991


          The is such a funny picture it should be a screen saver. You must just about have died laughin’. I bet Felipe makes the most of his leg stretching time. Does he ever get himself into a spot in the house you wish he didn’t?

        • #22001

          Candice Russell

          I wasn’t there when it happened but the picture is just priceless. I love it lol Felipe does love to run around when he gets the chance and he hasn’t gotten into a tricky spot just yet but I usually hang out with him while he’s out so that he doesn’t get caught anywhere bad. He doesn’t like the grass tho lol

        • #22008


          He doesn’t like grass! So many beardies just love being on a lawn. They are so individual it never ceases to amaze me.

        • #22011

          Candice Russell

          Ya if you put him in the grass he just stands there and won’t move lol

        • #22019


          What a silly boy! But maybe he feels he has to be able to see the road ahead. I assume he’s pretty speedy around the house.

        • #22020

          Candice Russell

          Ooh yes he’s very quick.

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