Topics › Forums › Chameleons › Cricket Contest
This is blueberry my male yellow body blue bar ambilobe panther chameleon please give us some gold so we can win some free crickets!!!
Wow, beautiful colors! And he looks like a well fed boy. Have you had him for a few years? Did you get him from a breeder you would recommend?
i had him since 3 months old hes about a year old now. I got him from west coast chameleon brothers. I am starting to try to breed him to my female and then ill sell the babies.
He definitely has the blues, but doesn’t seem to feel bad at all! Is he your only chammie?
no I have 3 one is a baby and the other is my adult female
Oh that should be a lot of fun. Another forum member just had 22 babies! What made you decide on chameleons as companion animals?
their beautiful colors
That is one of the top two reasons I would have one. The other one is their crazy eyes. They just crack me up no matter how bad I’m feeling.
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