Topics Forums Chameleons Cricket Contest

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    • #20220

      Cricket Contest

      Our boy Terry. He is a 1 year old that doesn’t really like to be held, but loves to walk on your shoulder and be carried to his favorite window perch. Sometimes you have to coax him with crickets to get him from his window perch back to his cage. He is a good boy, just has a grumpy old man demeanor lol.

    • #20224


      These guys all have unique personalities, don’t they? Some love to be handled, and some are just as grumpy as your guy. How old is he?

      • #20225


        They sure do! He is a little over a year old.

        • #20227


          Have you had him more or less his whole life? Like from the time he was two or three months old?

        • #20285


          Yes, we have had him since he was tiny, I would guess 2 months old.

    • #20253


      He’s cute. Mines demeanor is similar. Loves exploring and coming out on your hand for food, but once the foods gone wants to go back to his cage or window plant. Though, looking at yours..I wonder if mines a little chunky! lol. He’s a tiny bit rounder than yours and we believe him to be about 6 months now.

      • #20286


        Yep, that’s exactly how Terry is lol. As soon as the food gone he is like “byeeeee”

        He actually belongs to my son and he is pretty strict with his diet and the crickets diet. Apparently these guys have a tendency to get chunky. Every now and then my son will let him have a treat. Lol

        • #20288


          Yes! lol. Ours is technically my fiance’s but i do most of the care and interactions, so I get it. But thats good to know, i hadnt heard about them being prone to weight so thanks for the info. We normally try to stick to healthier bugs but we’re getting him used to being out and about and I use wax worms (super fatty, i know) as positive reinforcement. So he’s getting at least a few of those a week, just for right now. lol

        • #20300


          Your son is correct to monitor diet. Obesity is never good for their longevity.

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