Rocky really loves his mealworms and super worms!
We’re going through some tough times and I have lots of reptiles to feed this would really help out. Please everyone like this and help me win the free feeders. I will be sharing with lots of friends so hopefully this post will get lots of likes. I’m trying to give him a healthier diet. Thank you!
I gave a critter gold and it looks like you may be the month’s winner so far, although of course that can change. What other reptiles do you currently possess?
Thank you so much I really appreciate it! I have 2 bearded dragons, 2 geckos, and 1 anole. Also, I usually give some bugs to the neighbors for their gecko and beardie. I usually have an easy time with feeding but lately it’s been a struggle trying to find money to get the bugs. This really helps out a lot. Hopefully no one comes up late and beats me. I will try and get a couple pictures of the other lizards when I get home!thank you!
Congratulations, Rocky! You’re going to be one plump beardie this year, because you just won a year supply of free feeders! Keep an eye out for an email, because this will contain a coupon code that you can use to redeem your buggies! Thanks for sharing!