Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket contest

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    • #19409

      Taylor Venters
      Cricket contest

      Iggy Coopa wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!

    • #19426


      This is in the top three best pix for this month, IMHO. Where did you get that awesome little bed?

      • #19432

        Taylor Venters

        Thank you!!!! I made it. I used 6 inch by 12 inch piece of wood. Put trim around the edge. The mattress is just dish sponges from the dollar tree. I the. Wrapped material around it, and stapled it underneath. I used corks the legs, and the wooden post are just sticks from my yard. I took took a sharp knife and scraped all the outside bark off the twigs. I’m making him a finally enclosure and it’s going to be an old fashioned mansion.

    • #19769

      Angela Rutledge

      Your beardie’s bed is amazing looking! I made one for my beardie too!

      • #19771

        Taylor Venters

        Awww what did you use? It looks so cozy

        • #19795

          Angela Rutledge

          I used some sticks from one of my trees, an old dog blanket, hot glue gun and cotton balls to stuff the mattress and pillows.
          Thanks! 🙂

        • #19812


          You guys are so creative!!!

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