Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket contest

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    • #19407

      Taylor Venters
      Cricket contest

      This is Iggy Coopa’s homemade enclosure. First time beardie mom. I got him October 28th, and oh had he become part of the family! He loves crickets and Dubai’s. He loves to run around the house, annoy the dog, mean mug when we put him back in his cage, loves to play on the wicker basket. He is a good boy eats his greens and won’t poop in his enclosure. Biggest sweet heart around!!!!

    • #19427


      Great habitat!! He doesn’t poop in his enclosure? How did you manage that?

      • #19433

        Taylor Venters

        He claws at the glass when he needs out to poop. He goes and sits on toilet paper squares when he goes. We started holding him from day one and when he went we just hurried up and put him in the squares.

        • #19503


          That is completely brilliant. It certainly is how one trains dogs and cats. I bet if more beardie owners knew this, they would attempt it. I’m sure it helped that you have been conditioning him since he was just a little squirt.

        • #19520

          Taylor Venters

          Thank you It was an accident honestly. Just we are consistent with him. He get out at the same time everyday. He is on such a schedule that we can tell what time it is according to his behavior. He is definitely well loved

        • #19528


          Keeping our behavior consistent with pets is the key to so much training, whether deliberate or not. Although most animals are more intelligent than we give them credit for, without spoken language they require other cues to learn what we want from them, behavioral cues. It seems that you guys trained each other by being consistent and predictable. I think that is awesome!

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