Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket contest

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    • #19188

      Kaylea Ostrander
      Cricket contest

      When they are so little a normal harness wont fit… you make one… and if it happens to look like the most adorable Jean jacket that’s just a plus!!

    • #19207


      Very resourceful. Looks like the two of you are enjoying a sunny day somewhere. How old is your little dude?

      • #19214

        Kaylea Ostrander

        He is currently 7 months.

        • #19218


          It won’t be too long before he will fit into a standard harness, should you so choose. Did you buy them as siblings from a breeder or hatch them yourself?

        • #19248

          Kaylea Ostrander

          Noo they arnt actually siblings… leo is from here in Michigan. Letto is from selmers lizards in New York and Rango was a mystery box dragon from phantom dragons in California.

        • #19289


          Ah ha, I see. But tell me, what is a mystery box dragon?

        • #19290

          Kaylea Ostrander

          Some breeders have them. They hold back in this case 10 of the top from each clutch… when you order a mystery box you have no idea what the color or sex is and you are not allowed to make requests. I was definitely not disappointed
          The attached pic is my Rango mango (:

        • #19304


          Now that is really interesting. Antique auctions do something similar. I think you scored big time. Were you nervous about who you might get?

        • #19307

          Kaylea Ostrander

          I was more excited then anything. I knew that no matter what came Phantom Dragons produces amazing babies so I would not be disappointed. And I was very much right… hes the only one that gives kisses back.

        • #19328


          That’s quite an endorsement! We have a post started about recommending amazing dragon breeders. If you get a chance, perhaps you could post something there to give other folks a heads-up that these guys are superior and very conscientious in their breeding practices.

          So cute that he gives you kisses!

        • #19329

          Kaylea Ostrander

          That’s a great idea! Because I could only fine like 2 or 3 people who had also gotten one although they’ve done quite a few mystery box rounds. But the few I did find also had nothing but good things to say either!

        • #19330


          Nothing like giving credit where credit is due!!

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