Topics Forums Leopard Geckos Cricket Contest!!!

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    • #13988

      Cricket Contest!!!

      We adopted this leopard gecko from a friend and she happened to be pregnant, surprise! We had no idea!!! This was our first gecko or any kind of reptile for that matter! The eggs she’s laid are fertilized and now we are incubating leopard gecko eggs!! They lay 12 eggs or so for each pregnancy and can hold onto the male’s sperm for several years, if they choose to lol! So now she can get pregnant after she lays all these eggs, anytime she wants!!! We may need all the crickets we can get and this is our adventure!!! Also here is a cute picture of our son, who begged us for the gecko! He loves her and he named her Blue, after the dinosaur in Jurassic World!!! If your home needs to buy a leopard gecko, let us know lol 😆

    • #14002


      I wanted my son to name his that because im a HUGE Jurassic Park buff. He chose Inky for its pastel colors. haha. But these little guys are great for kids as long as they understand being gentle (your son seems close to mines age, so im sure hes old enough to know!) Im sure he’ll have a great time raising all those babies.

    • #14004


      Super adorable photo of your own little superhero. Congratulations on the babies, I guess. Surprise!!! Do you have a second enclosure already set up for when they are a little bigger?

    • #14011


      It looks like an interesting morph, maybe reverse stripe? If you can some time please add a picture on this thread of the Gecko from above (and what morph it is if you know). Id love to see what morph it is. I take any chance I can to see and learn them. Lol. Little nerdy quirk, i guess. 😛

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