Topics Forums Leopard Geckos Cricket contest

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    • #13506

      Cricket contest

      Here’s another Leo buddy, she hides a lot til she hears the lid open. She’s the funniest because when I have the mealworms in the dish, she will miss it a few times before she grabs them. But crickets, she’s fast, never misses them.

    • #13542


      That is odd behavior. Maybe her little brain responds best to rapid movement, less to squiggly movement. Do you think that’s possible?

      • #13550


        I don’t know. I was thinking it may be the dish they were in I had calcium in the dish the worms on top. Maybe it just threw her off. But their tank is getting a upgrade and it’s going to be way different. I was always scared to give them superworms. I did that years ago only to come home and find my jungle gecko with holes in her. So I never fed them to anything else since then. But maybe the small meals are too small…I was giving them crux only with some wax worms. But they need more of a variety.

        • #13582


          What’s this about superworms and holes in a gecko?!! Did the worms do it?

        • #13615


          Yes, but I think they were a little too young. I used to just throw some in and leave for work. I learned my lesson that day. I did tong feed them superworms today, they were good with them. A lot easier then tiny mealworms….

        • #13630


          Oh I bet! Did the chewed on animal recover fully?

        • #13727


          No he had perfect holes through his head, eyes, etc…I was so upset. He was my first expensive lizard because jungle morphs were new. And he was gorgeous.

        • #13728


          Oh God, that is truly horrible. That sight after a hard day’s work would have given me nightmares for years.

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