Here’s another Leo buddy, she hides a lot til she hears the lid open. She’s the funniest because when I have the mealworms in the dish, she will miss it a few times before she grabs them. But crickets, she’s fast, never misses them.
I don’t know. I was thinking it may be the dish they were in I had calcium in the dish the worms on top. Maybe it just threw her off. But their tank is getting a upgrade and it’s going to be way different. I was always scared to give them superworms. I did that years ago only to come home and find my jungle gecko with holes in her. So I never fed them to anything else since then. But maybe the small meals are too small…I was giving them crux only with some wax worms. But they need more of a variety.
Yes, but I think they were a little too young. I used to just throw some in and leave for work. I learned my lesson that day. I did tong feed them superworms today, they were good with them. A lot easier then tiny mealworms….
No he had perfect holes through his head, eyes, etc…I was so upset. He was my first expensive lizard because jungle morphs were new. And he was gorgeous.