Topics Forums Crested Geckos Cricket Contest

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    • #10379

      Cricket Contest

      Hello! I am Broomhilda, a 4 year-old full-figured crested gecko! When I hatched I crawled out of my tank and into the kitchen, and my human adoptive parents found me while they were sweeping, thus my name! I spent the first year getting nice and big in a smaller nursery, and now I live with my two siblings, Galahad and Gertrudis. I love to hang on my silk plants and lounge in my special reptile hammock which I find very relaxing. I also love to chase and munch crickets, and like my parents, I love fresh apple slices as well, which I lick every night! I live next-door to my four other siblings and my parents are two doors down in another terrarium. We can all see each other which is nice! Thanks for reading about me! <3

    • #10388


      Hey Broomhilda, your photograph is upside down! Oh no wait, it’s you who’s upside down.

      Sounds like your humans really know what they are doing. How many gut-loaded crickets to you eat each day and what are they gut-loaded with?

      • #10398


        Haha! Yes I hang every which way plus I’m a gecko and am terrible at posting. My toes stick to all those buttons, it’s hard!
        Thank you so much, my gecko family and I (there are 9 of us including our parents who are 16 years old) are served a variety at our buffet. Our delicious crickets get dried cat food and fresh apples in their house and then come over tasting pretty great. The crickets also come dusted with calcium and vitamin powder. Oh and we also enjoy Repashy’s Crested Gecko Diet, since they made it just for us! 🙂 Today I’m doing some Sunday yoga stretches which helps keep me from dumping over the hammock, which I sometimes do after stuffing myself…

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Rachel.
        • #10437


          Sounds like you’re living the spa life every day. What nice humans you have. Are all of you going to live there for ever and ever, or will some of you be going to new homes one day?

        • #10446


          We will all live here forever! 🙂 Also since our parents are probably “seniors” we shouldn’t get too many more new brothers and sisters (this is good LOL)…

        • #10447


          That’s pretty awesome. No wonder you need free crickets!!

        • #10448


          Hahaha… indeed! We are all extremely impressed with our new crickets and really wish we had discovered Critter Depot sooner!!!

        • #10492


          Very, very good to know! Thank you. How long does it take to go through a typical order?

        • #10493


          We go through ~500/month, a bit more if the crickets are smaller than 3/4″ :). All are very delicious, however!

        • #10507


          Lordy, that can add up. I guessed at 350!

        • #10509


          Yeah sometimes it’s less, sometimes more, on average we estimate 500, and then we also won’t run out!

        • #10551


          Not running out is important. Do you feed other insect items?

        • #10552


          Nope! We only feed crickets! Turns out these geckos (ours at least) are partial to just a few things: crickets, apples (they reject other fruits), and Repashy! Finicky, but what they do like they love a lot. 🙂
          This company is a lifesaver, I always dreaded having to go to the pet store for crickets that are not even as healthy. Really you all have the best crickets, delivered quickly and in perfect shape – and I’m not just saying that!

        • #10603


          Thank you so much for the kind words. I sent them on to management and they were super happy with your positive feedback.

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