Topics Forums Leopard Geckos Cricket contest

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    • #602

      Cricket contest

      Hi, my name is Dino Dan. I’m a little guy with a big title. I was named after a dinosaur which gives me a lot of confidence, especially chasing down my breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s definitely the thrill of the chase! My mom feeds me about 5 – 8 crickets a day. I share my family with a bearded dragon that eats a lot more than I, so winning a years supply of these delicious bugs would make mom happy. Not only do I save on car (Geico) insurance, I’d save on our grocery bill too

    • #739


      Dino Dan, I do have a car insurance question….just kidding.  Does your mom feed you properly gut loaded crickets?  That is very important to ‘insure’ perfect health, you know.

    • #1020


      Sorry it has taken so long to respond, I’m new to critter depot. Yes, I get gut loaded crickets, meal worms and wax worms as a treat.


      Thanks for checking!


      Dino Dan


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