The wise philosopher Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power.” This chameleon, the namesake of Sir Francis Bacon, feels powerful because he knows we cannot possibly see him disguised in the leaves. He also knows that he LOVES crickets because when he eats them, he feels big, strong, and powerful. Help Sir Francis Bacon win some crickets, please!
OK, now that is one of the more creative names on the forum. His expression seems to indicate that he is not sure whether he can be seen or not. While keeping an eye on you, perhaps he is contemplating another Francis Bacon thought from in amongst his greenery. “We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.” And he would love to obey the nature of his hunger every chance he gets. How old is Francis?
Very amusing. What does he do exactly to discourage unwanted attention when you don’t have food for him? And has he been this way since he was just a little philosopher, or did you get him as an adult?